Thursday, August 18, 2011

Some Good Steals

 Aubrey has been asking for a scooter for a long time. I was thinking that we'd get her one for her next birthday. Well, last week we were lost and happened to drive past a Kid to Kid (second hand) store. So, I figured we'd stop in to see if they had any good finds. The minute we walked in Aubrey spotted the Princess scooter. She asked, "Mommy can I ride the scooter around the store?" I looked at the tag and said, "How about we take it home and you can ride it at home?" She got so excited and yelled, "We can buy it and keep it!?" She couldn't wait to get it home and give it a try.

 Brookie had to give it a try too.

I haven't been to DI in years. When my SIL was here she wanted to go, so I went along too. I found this adorable dress for Aubrey for a couple of bucks. Aubrey loved it too and kept it on all Sunday.

I super duper love finding good stuff for a good deal!

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