Saturday, August 20, 2011

Outdoor Fun

 We've been spending as much time as we can outdoors, before Summer ends and cold weather begins.

We've had lots of bike and scooter practice.

Aubrey has been able to ride her scooter to the school twice in the last few days. After seeing lots of kids in the neighborhood riding scooters around, she's thrilled to be able to ride one herself.

We've been spending some time at the new school playground, since school will be starting next week and we won't be able to play there as much.

The girls absolutely love this teeter totter.

Isla wanted to try it out too!

Getting brave and climbing up higher.

 Here's Isla modeling the ball cap I crocheted for her. Just in time to route for her team during football season!

 Modeling her headband I made her and getting lots of kisses from cousin Aubrey.

 Isla getting her first ride down a slide.

 Aubrey wanted me to take a picture of her playing with Isla's toes. Funny kid.

Even though there are fun things about the school year starting (preschool, dance class and soccer), I'm still really bummed that Summer is ending. With all of our strange weather this year, it never really felt like it began for me. I expect continual hot weather during the Summer, and we never really got that. Don't get me wrong, we've had tons of fun this Summer, but it has felt so short for me and I can't even believe that it's almost over.

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