Monday, August 22, 2011

Cutest Little Soccer Player

  Aubrey started soccer last week and she was so excited! She has always loved to play with balls, so a couple years ago I told her that when she was older she could play on a team. She asked me several times in the last couple of years if she was old enough yet. When she turned 4 I could finally answer "yes." I asked her if she wanted to play the ball game that you throw and hit or the kind that you kick. She said, "kick", so I signed her up for soccer.

Everyday last week she counted down the days until her first soccer game. I can't lie, I was pretty excited too!

It was total cuteness! (See proof in the videos below!)

I only played one year as a kid and my parents called me the "dandelion picker", cause apparently that's all I did during the game. I was happy to see that Aubrey did not take after her mom. She was in there the whole time chasing after that ball!

Brooke was a cute little cheerleader (at least whenever she wasn't running onto the field!)

I had told her several days before that's what she would be and we practiced cheering for Aubrey. Here she is doing her little cheer for Aubrey! ("Kick the ball, run so fast . . .")

Aubrey taking a little break and looking oh so cute in her uniform. A few days before the game she said to me, "Mom I remember that soccer players wear a shirt with a number on it. Am I going to get a shirt with a number on it?" When I said that she was she was sooooo excited about it! She then asked, "If I get the shirt with the #1 on it, does that mean I get to kick the ball first?" Funny kid!

Giving fives to the other team after the game ended.

Aubrey and Zoe with their coach. He did a fantastic job giving direction to these clueless little soccer players.

Aubrey had really wanted to score a goal. She said to me several days before, "Mom in soccer you kick the ball into the goal and someone lays on the ball." I explained to her that at her age they wouldn't have a goalie to stop the ball, but they still will try and kick the ball in the goal. Then she said, "Mom when I am kicking the ball and I'm close to the goal, watch me the whole time." I explained to her that it's not easy getting a goal and that she may not get one. She was still determined to get a goal. They have practice for a bit before the game begins. During the practice she made it into the goal twice. I was hoping that she wouldn't know the difference and that would count as a goal to her. So, after the game I said, "Aubrey I saw you kick the ball into the goal two time." She looked at me really confused, so I further explained that it was during practice. She replied, "Mom that wasn't really a goal." She's getting way too smart!

Even though she didn't get a goal she had a blast. When it was over she said, "That was so much fun! When do I get to play again?" And she has asked me everyday since if she gets to play soccer today. I love seeing her learn new skills and have so much fun doing it!

1 comment:

  1. How cute it sounds like she is going to be an awesome soccer player.
