Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 11

I lost another 3 lbs this week! Yippee! I'm sure my stint with food poisoning contributed a bit - but I'll take it any way I can! So now I'm up to 23 lbs lost!

The last several weeks I have been focusing more on permanent eating changes as opposed to sticking strictly to the diet.

Some of these changes are:

* Sweetening with honey (and occasionally raw sugar) instead of using sugar. I've been getting way less headaches and I think staying away from sugar has contributed. Plus, I've fond lots of really yummy desserts sweetened this way, so I haven't really missed the white sugar.

* Eating whole grains instead of refined. I do miss the soft white stuff occasionally, but for the most part wheat and multi-grain stuff tastes good too. Plus I have an awesome nutrimill wheat grinder that grinds my wheat super fine. So, my homemade wheat bread is pretty close to the consistency of white bread.

* Staying away from processed foods and eating and cooking with fresh foods instead. Aubrey was having major tummy trouble a few months ago. Since, I stopped cooking out of boxes and the freezer her tummy trouble has entirely gone away.

* I have discovered that I am lactose intolerant - thanks to the lack of dairy at the beginning of the diet. So, I've been drinking soy milk and taking a lactaise pill whenever I eat dairy. My stomach has never felt better! Although I really do not like the taste of soy milk. I think I'll try Almond Milk next.

* Eating natural nut butters. We certainly don't need the extra oils and salt in the processed ones. Plus, the natural ones taste just as good to me.

1 comment:

  1. Vanilla Almond Milk is SO good. Rice milk is ok too, just thinner.
