Friday, August 5, 2011

A Visit from the Tanner's

 We got a fun visit from the Tanner's for the last week and a half.

The girls loved getting all the extra attention from all the big people in the house!

They were all very nice to appease the girls and play lots of games with them!

We even got to meet baby Rylee. Our niece Jenny and her family and our niece Laura have been at school a few hours away. So, they came down and spent a night with us too.

The girls loved having baby Rylee at our house. She is such a good and sweet baby.


Brooke playing baby with her cousin Stephanie.

All the kids hanging out with Jenny.

 Playing picnic with Laura, Jenny & Rylee.

Aww cuteness. Tammy got the girls those adorable pink tutu skirts.

Too sweet!

Brookie warming up to her cousins Amy and Steph.

Aubrey kept hiding under that blanket next to Aunt Tammy during hide and seek. Too cute.

Sunday night Aubrey got everyone playing games with her.

Aubrey had us all crowded into her room tossing some balls around.

Then her cousins taught her how to play Mancala.

We had such a fun time with the Tanner's. I have a couple more posts to follow with the Tanner clan.

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