Saturday, August 6, 2011

FHE with the Tanner's

 Monday we decided to go to the park for FHE with the Tanner clan.

We each packed a sack dinner and headed over to a really neat Wilderness park that I recently discovered.

The teenagers had just been to EFY, so they each told us something they learned for our lesson.

 Then we had a water balloon fight.

Then we played on the playground. Aubrey was so proud of herself to climb the rock wall.

Just because the water balloons were all gone, doesn't mean the fight has to be over! The men and teenagers were using the buckets and water bottles to drench each other.

Aubrey had to get into that action!

 Brooke couldn't let Aubrey one up her on the rock wall, so she had to climb it too!

Then we fed the ducks at the duck pond.

It was such a fun Family Home Evening!

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