Sunday, August 7, 2011

We're Going to the Zoo Zoo Zoo

 On Tuesday, our last day with the Tanner's, we went to the Zoo. My girls were thrilled!

First stop was the train ride.

 Touching a rhino's horn.

Aubrey lovin' playing with her cousins Amy & Steph.

Playing the drums.

Waiting for the Elephant show to begin.

She's getting her teeth checked. I was amazed that she knew to put up her trunk and open her  mouth. And lift her legs to get her feet checked.

Amy & Stephanie (the two on the left) were about the ages of Aubrey and Brooke when I first met them. My how time flies!

Even Brooke was having fun with her cousins.

Feeling elephant skin. We've actually never been to the Zoo in the Summer, so I don't know if it's a summer thing, but they had a lot more docents walking around and explaining things to us.

Brooke and Stephanie waiting for the bird show to begin.

The talking Parrot.

This bird would land on the arm of someone holding out money to donate. Then it would take the money and drop it into a donation box.

These white birds would fly in a flock right over our heads. It looked really cool.

The bald eagle.

Aubrey couldn't wait for the carousel!

I love Brooke's happy face!

They had dinosaur's hidden all over the park and Aubrey had a blast looking for all of them!

The tiger's have always been hiding under the trees when we've been. This time they were out in full view. I think Tiger's are beautiful.

Cute sisters lovin' on each other.

Aubrey was just thrilled to have all of these big cousins giving her attention!

Who needs animals when you can sit on a bench and pretend it's a train!

This monkey was getting some rays!

How big are my monkeys?

I had to get a picture of Aubrey with the gorilla because on our way there she said she was most excited to see the gorilla.

Brookie was giving everyone fives in the monkey house!

Riding a dinosaur.

The cutest monkey's around.

Brooke was just getting a kick out of this waterfall.

Showing off his wings.

Saying goodbye to the Tanner's as they started the first leg of their trip back to Canada.

It is a very rare occasion that I skip naps. But it is also a very rare occasion that Jeff has an entire day off (except Sunday's). Since we were at the Zoo with Daddy, we decided to skip nap time and play a little more.

The Tanner's gave us there left over tickets to the carousel and the girls got to ride a couple more times.

Aubrey thought she was so big sitting with her legs on top of her animal.

My little turtle.

The girls had fun in the playground area.

There are some underground tunnels to play in with holes on top to pretend you are bunnies, and gophers, etc.

There are even bats in the caves.

The great big teeter toter.

 Brookie was snuggling up to me during the kid's show.

 They even got to pet some animals after the show.

And then it was time to go home. A few days before Aubrey insisted on bringing Sunglasses to wear in the car so it wouldn't be so bright. Now the wear them every time they are in the car. They are just way to cute!

What a fun day at the Zoo and a fun visit with the Tanner's!

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