Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fun Center with Grandma & Grandpa

 My parents ended their retirement road trip right where they began it!

On Monday we spent the morning at Esther's pool and even Grandma came in to play! (That rarely happens). I forgot my camera, so I didn't get any pics.

Tuesday we went to a fun center and had a real fun time with them.

 First item of business was to do the Frog Hopper. It was closed last time we came and Aubrey was really looking forward to braving it again! We even tricked Grandma into riding!

Even Isla got to ride the Carosel.

Brooke's first time riding the plane without an adult. She did have her sister to sit next to though.

Then we all jumped onto the bumper boats. Brooke and I were a team. Brooke had a blast shooting the water gun!

Grandpa and Aubrey were together.

And Grandma, Esther & Isla were on the "no squirt" boat.

At one point Grandpa & Aubrey trapped Brooke and I in the waterfall. We got drenched!

Riding the pirate ship swing.

Poor Grandpa got all dizzy and queasy.

Havin' a fun ride with Grandma.

Grandpa & Aubrey are about to lap Grandma and Brooke.

Trying out the rock wall.

Brooke enjoyed it a little more than Aubrey did.

Isla hung out happily in the stroller.

Time for mini golf. Aubrey worked really hard at every hole. She would not stop until she hit her ball into every hole. She's a determined little thing. She even got much faster by the end.

Time for some cousin loves.

Brooke tried her best too. About halfway through, she was looking overheated so she went inside with Grandma.

Esther has some serious skills. She golfed while carrying Isla and holding a pacifier in her mouth.

Golfing sure wore out Isla!

Brooke and Aubrey got to try their first ever corn dogs. And of course they were a hit! They are dying to take daddy to have another one!

Grandma was giving Isla lots of kisses while she was smiling and giggling. Too cute!

Grandpa stole a kiss from Brookie!

That evening G & G came to play at our house. After a game of Chutes and Ladders, Aubrey was excited to show them her reading skills. She read to them her bed time story.

It was such a fun day! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for playing with us!

1 comment:

  1. Loved all these pictures of everyone having fun!
