Friday, September 2, 2011

Photoshop Magic

I love Photoshop. It is my most favorite tool that I own. I really think it is magic. I love how you can improve photos, change photos and make other cool things with it.

I used it for Aubrey's group soccer picture. It was out of my price range to buy the professional soccer photos, so I just took my own. I took a couple of group photos, but the photographers equipment was in the way and the coach was not looking and Aubrey and Zoe looked much cuter in one of them. So, I used some photoshop magic to get what I wanted. These are the group pictures that I started with:

(Aubrey and Zoe look cute, but the coach is looking down and the camera equipment overlap him.)

(The camera equipment don't overlap, but Aubrey and Zoe don't look as cute and the coaches eyes are closed)

Not exactly what I would want hanging on the wall. Neither picture had the coach looking forward with his eyes open, so I opened up this picture I took of him at the first game:

And then with a little Photoshop Magic I compiled this picture:

I used the second group shot because the camera equipment didn't overlap on the coach. Then I replaced out Aubrey & Zoe's faces with the ones in the 1st group shot. Then replaced the coaches face with the one I took of him at the game. I also had to take out some camera equipment that was still showing. I also fixed the lighting. And walla, we have a much improved group photo that Aubrey can proudly display on the wall in her room.

I also love playing with the levels and exposure in Photoshop. I rarely post or print a picture that I haven't touched up the lighting a bit and cropped the way I want it.

Here is the original individual picture of Aubrey.

 And here is the after. Isn't the difference amazing!

Here's her completed display collage:

Oh how I LOVE Photoshop!

(I usually don't like the pictures overhanging the background, but I wanted you to see more detail.)

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