Friday, September 30, 2011


 After trying to ignore the fact that I was sick for a few days, I finally took a sick day a couple of Fridays ago. 

We stayed home and did puzzles all morning!

Aubrey was able to do the puzzles all by herself and she was so excited!

Brookie did the cut out shape puzzles and was happy that she could do those all by herself.

Since we were staying at home all day I decided to attempt Brookie wearing underpants. Look at those cute panties peaking out!

After they finished their puzzles they would do a little "I did it dance."

During quiet time I gave Aubrey some jig saw type puzzles without a board to show the shapes. She was able to do those as well all on her own. She sure gets excited whenever she does something new. I love it too! Such fun!

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