Thursday, September 29, 2011

Random Stuff

 I've been busy for the last couple of weeks with the Primary Program, doing fun things with my girls, planning my next preschool and being sick. (I just got a cold on top of another cold. Seriously lame.) Anyway, I have several blog posts to catch up on, but I thought I'd start with a few odds and ends.

The girls have been really into building with their blocks again. They both asked me to take a picture with them and their creation.

Aubrey really wants to make a goal during a soccer game, but she is just not aggressive enough. She is one of the few on her team that actually knows which way to kick the ball at any given time and can totally do it in practice or at home, but once you get 8 kids around the same ball she retreats. It's hard to teach her that generally it's good practice to be polite, but not when you're playing sports! So, I've been taking pics of her getting goals in practice to help her feel a little better about not getting one in the games.

She sure is having a fun time though, and is super sad that this week she has her last game of the season.

Here's Brooke getting a goal too!

These two looked adorable cheering for Aubrey together! (I think it was especially cute to me because generally she is all over me. I LOVED that she was finally snuggling with her daddy!)

 Brooke is so ridiculously picky with what she wears. She has like 4 favorite outfits that she only wants to wear. I only do laundry once a week, so the other days she goes looking for her favorites and gets upset when I tell her they are all dirty. Anyway there are several adorable outfits that she has absolutely refused to wear this spring and summer. The one in the pic. below is one of them. One day a few weeks ago, I had it, with her refusing to wear her cute clothes. So, I pretty much forced her to wear it. She was mad as all get out and cried all the way to the library. After the library we went to Walmart. While there she had the worst blow out ever. I would go into detail, but it's really gross. Basically there was yuckiness all over her, the cart and the groceries in the back. So, of course we had to change her outfit and she could no longer wear it out to dinner with my family, which was one of the main reasons I insisted that she wear it. I wonder if her blow out was sort of on purpose! "I'll show you what happens mommy when you don't let me pick out my own clothes!"

Here are some quotes from my girls over the last few months: (If you read my posts on Facebook, they'll be redundant. I put them there to remember them before I get a chance to blog about them.)

One night Brooke and I were talking about something she had done naughty earlier. Brooke said, "You were so mad, like a monster." Sad and kinda funny at the same time.
Brooke had been crying herself to sleep every night. I didn't know if Aubrey had even noticed. One night when Aubrey said her prayer she first asked that she wouldn't throw up (like she did many times the day before) and then said, "Please bless Brookie not to cry while she sleeps." It was so sweet!
Aubrey asked me one day, "Mom, when am I going to get married?" I told her it would be in a long time. She thought for a moment and then asked, "Is it when I am old enough to live on my own and I can go out and find my Prince?"
The first words out of Brooke's mouth one morning were "I was naughty yesterday." I replied, "Yeah, but usually you are a nice girl. Will you be nice today?" Her response, "Yeah I want Santa to come."
Brooke loves her "yellow hair". We watched Tangled one morning and at the end when her hair gets cut off and turns brown, Brooke was really disturbed. She kept asking over and over again, "Where's her yellow hair?"
The next day we watched Tangled again. Towards the end Brooke looked over at me and said, "I love you most." Totally made my day!
This is a conversation I have with Brooke daily, "Brookie you are such a cutie." Brooke - "No I'm not a cutie". Me- "Then what are you?" She usually responds, "I'm just a Brookie bug." One day however she said, "I'm a child of God."
Aubrey asked me, "Do you put your ear to your tummy to listen to the spirit?"
At breakfast one morning Aubrey asked, "Will you be the Grandma to Brookie's babies too?" I responded that I would. She then got all teary eyed and said, "But, when you're the Grandma to Brookie's kids, I won't remember Brookie." I assured her that she would remember Brookie and be her sister forever - and she felt much better.
Every morning Brooke wants to share my eggs with me. So one day I made her her own. She threw a huge fit saying, "I don't want my own egg, I want to share your egg!"
As I was looking for Aubrey's lost ring, Aubrey dropped to her knees and said, "Heavenly Father help Mommy find my ring. Tell her where to look for it. . . " So sweet!
Aubrey was upset and crying. Brooke heard her and said, "Heavenly Father wants us to be happy. I better go check on sissy." So sweet!
Aubrey asked the question I knew would eventually be coming. "Mommy where is our chimney?" My response, "We don't have one, because we don't have a fireplace." Aubrey then asked, "Then how does Santa get into our house?" I think I'm going to have to be a lot sneakier this year!
Yesterday Aubrey asked me why we are born as babies and then get bigger. I explained that it's the way Heavenly Father planned, that parents have babies to teach and take care of. She then asked, "But how were the first people born?" I seriously never knew 4 year olds were capable of thinking that deeply! I reminded her about Adam and Eve and we had a good talk about it. I never knew these types of questions would come this young!

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are adorable. And you are a wonderful mommy - even if every now and then you get "mad like a monster". :)
