Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 15

I lost 4 lbs this week!! I am thrilled! It certainly helped that I was sick and nothing sounded good to eat - but I will take it any way it comes! Now my total weight loss is 30 lbs! Yipee!

I am only 7 lbs away from my pre Aubrey pregnancy weight! That's the first tier of my weight loss goal. After that I'd like to shoot for my pre-wedding weight, that would be another 30 lbs after that. Then who knows, maybe I'll try for another 10 lbs and get to my pre college weight. The skies the limit!


  1. Congratulations Heather, although I don't know that being sick is worth it;)

  2. Good luck heather you look awesome! I have lost 30 pounds too so we are twins! Although yours was a bigger accomplishment because it is easy to loose the first 20 pounds after you have a baby. As for the post above have Aubrey watch the Santa Clause with Tim Allen it answers the chimney question.
