Monday, September 12, 2011

Weeks 12, 13 & 14

I haven't posted the last couple of weeks about my diet progress. I was pretty frustrated because for 2 weeks I had not lost any weight and the only thing I was doing differently was that I was being more consistent with my work outs. I was feeling like I should just stop working out, since I was loosing more weight when I wasn't working out as much. But, I know that working out is good for my health and gives me more energy, so I kept trucking on with the work outs.

FINALLY this week I lost 3 lbs.! (I was probably going to cry or yell if I hadn't lost any weight again this week!) So, I was very happy to see the number go down this morning!! And hopefully that number will continue to go down this week!

It has been really fun shopping in my closet. I've been going to the nether regions of my closet finding the clothes that I haven't been able to fit into for a while. They not only fit, but most are even loose on me! So FUN!!

Wish me luck on another good week!


  1. How fun to get some of your favorites back out to wear. You should take all those loose cloths to DI. Don't keep them in your closet as a token that you will never need them again;)

  2. Sorry that was from me not Ben, he must have been signed in on my computer yesterday.
