Saturday, September 10, 2011

What?! Ice Cream with Chocolate Syrup on a Diet?

If you thought it was not possible to eat Ice Cream (sort of) with Chocolate Syrup while on a diet, think again.

My sister told me about this awesome way to make healthy mock Ice Cream.

All you do is cut up and freeze 2 ripe bananas.
24 Hours later you put them in a blender or food processor and mix until creamy.
(If you don't have an awesome blender you may have to add a little milk. I added a little almond milk to mine)
For the chocolate sauce I just mixed some Pure maple syrup with Cocoa and heated it in the microwave for about 45 secs. Then mixed it again.

It was a fantastic way to curb my recent craving for Ice Cream! Plus my girls absolutely loved it and when they asked for more I could say "Yes!"

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