Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Conference Weekend

 Since my parents were to report to the MTC Monday morning, they came into town a few days earlier to spend conference weekend with us.

The first item on Brooke's agenda was to have Grandma paint her nails.

It's become a tradition in our house that on the Saturday morning session of conference, the girls paint pumpkins. They love to paint especially on something different like a pumpkin!

Then they spend the rest of the time painting their conference packets.

They both did fantastic during the morning session!

Brooke's nap time is right during the afternoon session which is really nice.
Aubrey spent the entire afternoon session putting together puzzles. She focused and hardly made a peep. One time though she heard a speaker telling the story of baby Moses, she looked up and whispered, "Hey, I know this story." It was pretty neat that she was actually listening to conference as she was making her puzzles!

 Look at all of these puzzles Aubrey made without any help from anyone. (Only one of them has a cardboard back, the others are all jigsaw puzzles.) Her attention span continues to amaze me.

 After Brooke woke from her nap she had lots of grandma snuggles, 

and wanted to join in on the puzzle making.

 During Priesthood session, Esther, Isla & Katie came over to hang out with us.

The girls had fun showing Isla all of their toys. I think Isla enjoyed it too.

Then Brooke decided to put on a picnic for us. This is something she has been very into lately. I think at this age Aubrey loved doing this too!

When she saw us taking pictures with the timer, Aubrey had to join in too!

Katie put this wrap on Isla, isn't it so adorable!

Some serious cuteness!

Then off to bedtime stories with Grandma!

The next morning the girls had a little fun hangin' with Grandpa.

I didn't take any pictures during conference, but they did really great again. They colored and did a temple sewing board. During the afternoon session Aubrey played with play dough. It's nice that the girls are getting old enough to play quietly on their own, so that we can listen to conference!
The talks were really good. I am looking forward to reading them again in the Ensign.  Now that I have kids, I get much more out of reading them.

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