Thursday, October 13, 2011

Farewell Dinner

Sunday night of conference weekend, we all got together to have a farewell dinner for Mom & Dad.
 I was planning on making a Missionary tag cake, but since I was sick, I opted for missionary cupcakes instead.

 We made a couple different soups, salad and bread bowls. I thought the dinner turned out real nice.

After dinner Aubrey got to feed Isla her bottle. It was her first time giving a baby a bottle, and she was real sweet doing it.

She's just a little Mommy!

  Brooke wanted to give it a try too, but Isla was no longer interested in her bottle.

The girls having fun with Uncle Elliot. Technically it was a farewell dinner for Elliot & Katie as well, because a few days later, they moved into my parents house to take care of it while they are on their mission.

Then it was bedtime stories with Grandpa.

What a nice and laid back weekend we had. I needed a weekend home since I was on round 2 of my cold! (Just as I was recovering from my first cold, a second one hit right on top of it. I was not happy about it!) But relaxing with family during conference was the perfect medicine!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you feel better. I wish we were there. It just looks like such fun.
