Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fun on the Farm

 The weather was so beautiful the end of last week, that we had to go and do a fun outdoor activity. We decided to go to a local farm that is specifically set up for little ones.

What a group of little beauties!

First up was pony rides!

Always a favorite activity!

Time to feed the animals. (I love how Aubrey's tongue is sticking out!)

Brooke was timid at first, but then got really brave and was sad when the feed was gone!

The kids loved this little haunted house. They played this little game where they would take turns peeking there heads out of the window. One would knock on the door and the one peeking out the window would yell boo . . .

. . . then they would all scream and run around the yard. Aubrey, of course, was the mastermind behind this game. They seriously could have stayed here forever playing their little game!

 My cutie Brookie!

We usually go on a wagon ride when there, but this time they had a horse drawn carriage. The girls loved riding in "Cinderella's carriage!"

Having fun playing farmer.

Planting the trees and then harvesting the fruit.

Shopping at the farmers market.

Loading the truck with produce.

Being a root under the ground.

Later that afternoon we were playing outside and there were ladybugs everywhere. We love ladybugs!

The girls had fun catching them and having them crawl all over their hands and arms.

Trying to transfer the bug to Brooke. I had to help with the transfers and then was never fast enough to get a picture of Brooke with a ladybug :(.

What a beautiful day to spend outdoors!

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