Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mommy the Mountains Pink!

 A few weeks ago as we were driving Aubrey exclaimed, "Mommy the mountain is pink!" I explained to her that it was because the leaves on the trees were changing to pink and orange and that's what happened in the fall. The girls very much wanted to go and see the pink trees!

So, last weekend we went into the mountains to see the leaves and have a little BBQ.

"Hey guys, where is the camera!" (Why will kids NOT look directly at the camera?!)

The girls were so excited to have a picnic in the mountains. However Aubrey wanted to eat her hot dog on the very top of the mountain - funny kid!

I brought bags for the girls to collect leaves. I hoped they would go and find some pretty colored ones. But, instead they found a pile of old dried up leaves to fill their bag.

At least they were having fun, right?!

We went on a little nature hike as we waited for the coals on the BBQ to be ready.

Checking out a lambs ear plant.

Snuggles with Daddy.

Looking cute with a little blossom in her hair.

"Mom take a picture of me holding this flower."

My sweet baby.

Yay the dinner's ready!

Brooke insisted that she have her hot dog in her bun, but this is how I found her eating it!

Then she gave up on the bun entirely!

Roasting marshmallows for Smore's!

Mmmm yummy!

Aubrey going for seconds on the smore's!

We even got to see a deer on our excursion.

 When we got home the girls wanted to play in our decked out Halloween yard!

It's so much fun to play with skeletons!

Aubrey especially loves this picture that has a button that when pressed the eyes light up and the portrait talks. She remembered it from last year, and was excited to give it a try!

You gotta love the Fall! (Well not as much as Spring and Summer, but at least it's better than Winter!)

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