Friday, October 21, 2011

My Birthday

I had such a nice birthday yesterday. My girls were excited for my birthday - which made it even more fun for me!

Several days before Aubrey asked Jeff what kind of cake they were going to make for my birthday. So, Jeff asked what he should do since I can't eat cake. I went a searching online and found some clean Chocolate Cupcakes for them to make. The girls were super excited to help daddy make my birthday cupcakes.

 What a cute little bunch.

Of course, the best part is licking the spoons and bowls at the end!

Aubrey took that saying literally and was actually licking the bowl - that funny kid!

 I had to sample the cupcakes that night because the smell was amazing! The cupcakes were seriously delicious! I currently have a tummy ache from eating too many of them in the last couple of days!

On my birthday first we headed off for story time at the library. On the way out of the door I found some cards and presents from friends. It was such a fun surprise!

After story time we met my sister Summer who treated us to frozen yogurt. They even had a "no added sugar" flavor for me! The girls called this party number 1. Thanks Summer, we had lots of fun! (These pics were taken on my phone, so that's why they are so tiny.)

Then we went home and we all had a nice nap!

When Jeff got home, we went out for a steak dinner. Who wants to cook dinner on their birthday?!

When we got home my little family sent me to the computer while they put together a little party for me.
The girls picked out a fairy princess party for me.

First we decorated tiara's together.

 Then they sang me Happy Birthday,

and we had our most delicious and clean cupcakes. (I'll have to post the recipe sometime.)

 Then it was present time - I had lots of good help with this. 

Then I headed out to a meeting while Jeff put the girls to bed.

I really enjoyed my birthday. I loved all my phone calls (sorry I missed most of them, but the voice mails were really nice!), my surprise cards and gifts, spending time with my family and the fun Facebook posts and emails. I decided that Facebook helps to make a birthday special. It was seriously so fun for me to get emails from Facebook all day long with birthday wishes! Thank you to everyone who helped make my day!!

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