Saturday, October 22, 2011

How I Became a Pirate - the Play

 A local theater puts on a couple of Theater for Young Audiences based on popular children's books every year. A couple of years ago we went to "If you give a Mouse a Cookie" and it was really fun.

This year I saw that they were doing the musical based on "How I Became a Pirate"
 They had read the story during story time a year ago and Aubrey begged me to check it out and take it home. Both girls really like this story and it's sequel "Pirate don't change diapers." So I really wanted to go to the play.

The theater has special school group showings every morning. The catch is that you can't go unless you have a group of 20 or more. The school group showings are much cheaper and at a much better time for us. So, I got a group of neighbors and made my own group! We ended up with 41 people in our group!

Here we are waiting for the play to begin.

Here's some of our group,

and more of us,

and even more of us!

Snacking and asking me every couple of minutes when the play is gonna start!

Just being a little cutie pants!

The show was really cute. It had lots of fun singing and dancing and the pirates even came out into the audience a few times. We had two pirates go right down our row and the girls thought that was really fun!

Here's the little pirate set up they had in the lobby.

We even got to meet one of the pirates on our way out!

It was such a fun way to spend the morning! Thanks to all my friends for coming with us! We'll have to do it again for the next play!

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