Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 19 & 20 - Clean Eating

I haven't lost any weight the last 2 weeks. I've hit a plateau. But, at least I am maintaining and not gaining! I'm not too concerned about it - it's just less exciting to report!

Many people have been asking me how I am loosing the weight and what Clean Eating is. So, I thought I'd describe it a bit. I started off using a diet and exercise program called Supreme 90 (purchased at Bed Bath and Beyond.) After following that for a while I learned more about the author of the diet, Tosca Reno, and her eating lifestyle called Clean Eating. I am still using the exercise DVD's that came with Supreme 90, but now instead of following the daily diet plan, I have adopted the Clean Eating lifestyle.

"Eating Clean is treating your body right. It is eating the way nature intended. You eat the foods our bodies evolved to function best on, and that makes you feel – and look – fantastic. When you Eat Clean you eat more often. You will eat lean protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats. These practices keep your blood-sugar levels stable and keep you satisfied. The best part is that if you need to lose weight it will happen almost without you having to try."

Basically I have cut out processed food. I no longer cook from a box or heat up pre-made frozen meals. I have replaced all of the white grains with brown and whole grains. I no longer use white sugar. I have replaced it mostly with honey and occasionally with Agave and every once in a while (for a baked good) with raw sugar (Turbinado or Sucanat). I have added in more fruits and veggies to my diet. I eat lean protein. (Chicken, Turkey, lean beef and pork). I eat lots of nuts and eggs as well. I have started drinking Almond milk. I found it is better on my tummy - however skim milk is a part of the clean eating lifestyle. I use olive or coconut oil instead of vegetable or canola oil. I also rarely use butter and never margarine. For baked goods it is replaced with peanut or almond butter or coconut oil. In short, eating clean is pretty much eating the way we all have been taught that we should. There is nothing at all shocking about it. Take away fake and fatty foods and replace them with natural healthy foods. I never count calories or points or really worry about the amount of food. It's all about the kinds of foods. That has made it much easier on me. I know what I should eat and what I shouldn't and that's all I focus on.

I have had comments that it must be hard cutting out the sugar and fattening foods and that they couldn't do it. I probably would have said the same thing last year. I have always been a chocoholic and have a major sweet tooth. But, I have found that honey totally works to fulfill my sweet tooth! If you don't believe me, give it a try. You can find a clean recipe for almost any kind of treat you want. I google clean in front of whatever I am looking for, and I can usually find it. (ie. clean cookies, clean cupcakes, clean brownies.) I think they taste almost as good as the fatty white sugar recipes. The birthday cupcakes my family made for me were actually the best cupcakes I have ever tasted!

I was also worried about the extra time spent in the kitchen because I really hate the daily cooking. Which is why I relied heavily on box and frozen foods. But, I have found it is not a huge burden. I stick some spices on a lean meat and either throw it in the oven or have Jeff throw it on the grill. I put either brown rice or baby potatoes in the oven or rice cooker and then steam some veggies or have fresh fruit and veggies to go with it. It doesn't take much time at all. Most sauces and intense recipes are full of fat and processed junk anyway, so cooking simple cuts that all out and makes for quick meals. If I do feel like something more involved I find lots of clean recipes here: or here Or just by googling clean recipes.

So that's clean eating in a nutshell. I am new to it and still learning about it myself, but have really enjoyed my new way of eating. I know that I was lead to this lifestyle as an answer to my prayers and that is what gives me the motivation to keep on it everyday. (I'll share more details on this in a future post.) Plus the weight loss certainly keeps me going and excited!


  1. Thanks for sharing your secrets! Have you found that you are sick less often?

  2. Thank you for sharing, I grew up eating this way and it was not until I got married that processed foods became a part of my life. Not sure if I am ready to give up butter though;)
