Monday, October 24, 2011

Ward Halloween Party

 The moment we have been waiting for finally arrived on Saturday. We got to break out the Halloween costumes and go to a Halloween party!! The girls were so excited! Aubrey remembers in detail all of the Halloween parties from last year and was so excited to go to our first one this year!

 Since I had made Aubrey's costume back in April for her birthday party, I had a little time to accessorize! I decided to make her a strawberry satchel to collect her prizes at the parties and to trick or treat with. I am so glad I made it for her, because Aubrey absolutely loves it. I think partly why she loves it is because Flynn Rider has a satchel in Tangled and she thinks it's cool she has one like him!

Here Aubrey is all ready for the party!

 After I made Brooke's costume I ended up with tons of the blue fabric left over. I saw a lady at the zoo with a ruffled purse that reminded me of a tutu. Well, Brooke LOVES tutu's and so I decided to make her a ruffled tutu purse with the extra fabric. Her purse was a big hit too! I love it when the girls get excited for the things I make them!

After I made her dress, I asked Brooke if she wanted a red bow in her hair or a tiara. She choose a tiara - because she LOVES tiara's as well. I decided to try my hand at making one, since a matching Snow White tiara is not a dollar store purchase! I really enjoyed the process and Brooke absolutely loves her tiara!

 I had left over beads and so made a smaller one for her too. I thought that possibly the large one might be burdensome and she might like a smaller one for running around at the parties. But, I was wrong on that one. She loves her big tiara and doesn't want to wear the small one!

 This is Brooke modeling her costume back in August when I completed it. She was so excited for it to be done!
 Here she is on our way out to the party on Saturday.

 Oh how I love those cute girls!

 We made it to the party! 

 The girls were excited to play all the games. They played the bean bag toss.

 Putting into the Jack-O-Lantern.

Checked out the cool science experiments. Besides these bubbling colored jars they had these cool electrical devices that made sparks and played spooky Halloween music. I can't even describe what it was, but it was super cool. 

Touching the creepy secret stuff. (Witches' eyes, human toes, intestines, etc.)

Playing the cupcake walk.

Enjoying their cupcake prizes!

Brooke's red frosting was all around her lips and it looked like red lipstick!

Fishing for prizes.

Getting their faces painted.

Aubrey got a strawberry,

And Brooke got a flower. They were super sad when we had to wash them off for church the next morning.

I thought they looked so cute walking around together. I know I am completely biased, but I thought they both looked so darling in their costumes. I think Aubrey makes the cutest Strawberry Shortcake ever and Brooke the prettiest princess! I'm sure all Mom's feel that way, but I could hardly keep my eyes off of them they looked so cute!

Making a second round on the games.

Eating a donut off of a string.

Walking out to the hayrides.

Ready to take off on our hayride!

Before we left home, Aubrey slipped some lip gloss in her purse. She kept reapplying it all night - it totally cracked me up!

After a super fun party we made it home. When we come home at night the girls have to run through our yard and check out all the decorations.

Brooke's favorite is the "blinky eyes" in the tree.

The princess and the monster!

Checking out her spoils!

Halloween is so much fun! I love having a totally pointless fun holiday! No lessons to teach, just pure fun!

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree, you have some of the cutest kids out there. You are so crafty! I love checking out all the cool stuff you make!
