Saturday, October 15, 2011

Party Animals!

 Last week Aubrey was invited to 3 birthday parties! Two of which Brooke was invited to as well! Brooke was so excited to be invited to the big girl parties!! (Her first parties not at our house.)

They wanted to use the new stamp pads (see the preschool post) to make their birthday cards. And Aubrey asked me to take pictures of them. (I've created a monster!!)

I tried to get a front view of Brooke, but she was being a stinker. She's been dressing up like a fairy, ballerina princess lately. What a cutie!

The first party was just for Aubrey on Thursday night. It was for one of her Sunbeam teachers. She told me that one of the boys in the class had been asking her for months if he could come to her birthday party. So, she finally decided to go ahead and throw a Sunbeam class party for her birthday with the help of her partner teacher. Is that not the cutest and sweetest thing ever. Aubrey has the BEST sunbeam teachers! Aubrey thought it was so fun to go to a party with all of her church friends and teachers.

We had a busy Saturday. We hurried and got ready before Grandma & Grandpa stopped in to say goodbye (see last post.) Then we rushed off to a baptism. We went straight from the baptism to Keagan's Pinkalicious party. Brookie was sooo excited to go to the party and Aubrey was excited for her too! She's such a sweet big sister. Here they are all "pinked" out. Aubrey wanted them to wear fairy wings because Pinkalicious wears them in the story book.

(I hope you don't mind Julie that I blog lifted some photos!)


   I had a change of clothes for them in the car because we went straight from that party to Zoe's Unicorn party. They were supposed to come dressed as any mythical creature. I tried to convince them both that they wanted to be pink fairies (then we wouldn't have to change clothes.) But neither of them would be convinced. Aubrey wanted to be a purple fairy and Brooke Sleeping Beauty. So, we did a quick change in the van and headed over to Zoe's house.
Look at them with their cute Unicorn horns that Rachel made! (These pics I actually did take since I was at this party!)


What a fun morning! And such cute parties for the girls! Brooke did awesome at both of the parties! I think she may always just want to hang out with Aubrey and her friends! Who needs friends your own age when you can hang with the big kids!!

We even had an art class planned for that morning, but I ended up having to cancel it because we just couldn't fit it in! Saturday's are usually our laid back day too!

The girls had a blast partying all week!! Thanks all for inviting my cuties to your parties!

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