Sunday, October 16, 2011

Those Girls!

 Don't you LOVE Aubrey's new boots! I have a new favorite place to purchase Aubrey's footwear - Ebay! For the last couple of years I've bought several of Aubrey's shoes/boots there. I always get a killer deal too. These boots are normally $60 boots and I got them (shipping included) for around $10. Doesn't she just look adorable in them too!

 Aubrey never stands still for pictures anymore, she always poses!

  After church on Sunday, Brooke put on all of her Pinkalicious party favors. So cute! She even wore those glasses for like 2 hours, until she had to take them off for nap time!

 Aubrey has been having an occasional nap these days. The days that she does, she has major trouble falling asleep though! I started letting her read books in bed on the days she naps. I found her asleep like this one night. Sooo cute!

Brooke hates getting her hands messy. She would like me to clean her hands during meals or in the middle of crafting. I have to convince her that she'll just get messy again and that I'll clean her when we're done - the little monkey! Anyway, one day the girls were doing art while I was doing my work-out DVD. Brooke wanted her hands washed. I told her to take a stool to the sink and then asked Aubrey to turn the water on for her. (I've found that if I set boundaries when I work out, then the girls are better at leaving me alone to exercise.) I heard Brooke complaining about her hands not getting clean, but I was in the midst of exercising, so I pretty much ignored her. I looked over a few minutes later and Aubrey was putting soap on Brooke's hands and helping her rub them together to get her hands clean. Total cuteness!

And Brooke was just willingly letting her help her too. I just love those moments. See sometimes good things do happen when you ignore your kids! (Well at least if it's for a good purpose!)

I'm enjoying the detail that Aubrey is adding into her drawings. In this one Aubrey and I are on the stand in Sacrament meeting. Aubrey is the one on the right and the line in between us is the microphone. I didn't ask her why my arm is raised, but I'm wondering if it's because I'm the new Junior Primary chorister. The pink is the carpet. The lines below are the pews and the circles are the congregation. I just thought it was too cute not to share!

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