Wednesday, October 5, 2011


 Here's Brookie with her best friend Purple. She loves her blankie. Takes it with her everywhere, calls it her "best friend" and made up a song about it.

Well about a month ago it disappeared, seemingly out of the clear blue sky. We searched everywhere for it. While we were searching for it I told Brooke that it must be playing hide and seek with us. She thought was hilarious and it lessened the blow for her. I finally had to give up that night and put her to bed with a different blanket. She took it really well.
The next day Jeff woke up early and searched again. Then later me and the girls searched everywhere again. How could it just disappear. It had been with her at nap time and we hadn't gone anywhere since. I was a little worried because the girls and Jeff had taken out the trash the day it had disappeared. But I had a hard time believing that anyone would throw it away and that Jeff wouldn't notice it in the garbage bags.

After several days of searching to no avail, I finally searched the web for a matching blanket. Purple had been too much a part of Brooke's life (and ours for that matter) to just let it go. I found an almost identical blanket and ordered it.

It took a couple of weeks to arrive. Brooke would mention almost everyday that purple was still playing hide and seek. One day as I was putting her to bed she looked up at me and said, "Why haven't you found purple yet?" That totally broke my heart. She had her replacement blanket that she snuggled with, but she didn't drag it around the house or go to it for comfort. It just wasn't the same.

Finally the new blanket arrived. I excitedly told Brooke that there was a package for her. I had her help me open it. She looked at it and said, "It's a new purple because my other purple is still hiding."

Once I got it unpacked, she immediately gave it bug hugs, rolled around on the floor with it and said, "It's so soft!" She told me several times in the next few days, "I love my new purple. Tank you Mommy for giving it to me!"

She doesn't call it purple though, it's name is: My New Purple. I think she has to distinguish between the original and the new one. But she does love it just as much!

Yesterday, while I was putting her down for a nap, I turned around and saw the original Purple right in the corner of her room! I couldn't believe my eyes. It then dawned on me that her closet is always open and the door completely covers that corner. When I went and grabbed Purple, Brooke exclaimed, "You found my purple!" I gave her Purple and she excitedly said, "I have two Purples to sleep with!" After her nap she dragged around both purples all over the house. I'm so glad the mystery has been solved. It was really driving me crazy that we couldn't find something that big!


  1. What a little darling! It's amazing how attached they can get to things like that.

  2. That is so funny that you found it after all this time. I am glad Brooke has her purple again!
