Tuesday, October 4, 2011

School Carnival

 Since Aubrey will be going to our Neighborhood Elementary School next year, I thought I should support the school carnival. Plus I knew the girls would have a blast.

Their favorite was this blow-up obstacle course. Even Brooke could get through it on her own after Aubrey helped her a couple of times.

Aubrey braved the scary twisty stairs.

Gotta do the big slide.


 My girls are so much braver in the bounce houses now.

 This is how Aubrey has been helping Brooke stay in line. She wraps Brooke's arms around her waist so she won't loose her place or won't cut in line. I think it's pretty cute.
 Posing for their Momma.

Time for the games.
The bean bag toss.

Fishing Game

Digging for gold coins.

Duck pond.

Ball toss

 We had to get some cotton candy for the ride home!

Having fun with their bubbles they won on the way home.

Such a fun little carnival!

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