Monday, November 14, 2011

Aubrey's First Primary Talk

Last week during the Sacrament Aubrey leaned over and whispered to me 4 times. This is what she said, "Right now I'm thinking about Jesus when he was a baby." Then a few minutes later, "Now I'm thinking about Jesus when he was giving out the bread." Then later, "Now I'm thinking about Jesus up in Heaven." Later still, "Now I'm thinking about Jesus when he died." It was so sweet that she understood the concept of thinking about Jesus during the sacrament and was applying it.
After Primary Aubrey handed us a slip of paper asking her to give a talk in Primary the following week. The topic just happened to be on being reverent. I told her she could talk about being reverent during the sacrament and share her own experience from earlier that day. As we talked about her talk Aubrey said, "I have a good idea! We can practice it everyday and then I can do it all by myself." I wasn't sure if that was possible, but I promised Aubrey we would practice every day like she asked. We wrote her talk together and then practiced a couple of times that day. We practiced once every day and by Thursday she had it completely memorized. I was quite surprised that she was able to get it down that fast. We were then able to work on her presentation a bit. (Looking up at the audience, speaking slowly and not holding the pictures in front of her face.) By Sunday she had it down pat and was so excited about it!

Here she is giving her talk right before church on Sunday.

She did such a fantastic job in Primary. I was able to just sit in the audience and watch her. I had to hold back the tears the whole time. I was so happy that she had worked so hard to be able to give her talk all on her own. It was definitely a proud mommy moment.

After church we talked about how good it felt for her to work hard on something and then to do a good job. I hope she will remember this experience and that it will give her confidence that she can do hard and scary things. I also had her pray the night before and the morning of and ask that Heavenly Father would help her during her talk. I want her to know that through Faith and Hard Work she can accomplish anything in her life. I hope this little experience will help her in her understanding of this.

Saturday night after she practiced, Brooke wanted to give the talk too. So, Aubrey helped Brooke give the talk. I grabbed the camera and got it on video. You can get a glimpse of the Buell home through this video. Brooke wants to do everything that Aubrey does and Aubrey just loves being the teacher. Funny kids!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you had her pray for Heavenly Father's help. She is such a smart little girl, she probably now realizes that even when mommy isn't helping she is still getting help from Heavenly Father. What a great lesson to learn so young! You are a wonderful example of how to teach your children the gospel.
