Sunday, November 13, 2011

Art class with Brooke

 A local art museum has free family art classes one Saturday a month. I was so excited about this program and knew Aubrey would just love it. I had us signed up for the October one, but then the girls were invited to a birthday party. So I cancelled and signed us up for the November one. Well guess what? Aubrey was once again invited to a party at the same time. I decided that instead of cancelling twice in a row, I would go with just Brooke. Daddy ended up not having to work and so he came along too. Brooke got the very rare opportunity of having the complete attention of both of her parents! She loved it!

The class is directed to children 4 and older, but Brooke did a great job keeping up with the big kids. I thought she looked so cute sitting and listening to the rules with all of the kids.

 She got an art detective kit and proudly carried it around.

They got a magnifying glass and a little detective notebook and pencil. They would give some clues about something we would see in the artwork. Then they were to either write the answer or draw a picture of it.

Then they were shown part of one of the paintings. They were to find the painting it came from and stand by it.

Then they discussed the things they saw in the picture and then pretended to jump in the painting and be a part of it.

At the end we were taken to a room and got to do an art project. They asked the kids to close their eyes and think about what they would do in their project before they began. I looked at Brooke and she was trying to hold her eyelids shut! Too cute!!

Brookie making her collage.

It's always fun to use a glue stick!

She didn't quite understand how to use her magnifying glass.

Here's her collage.

It was really fun getting to spend some special time with Brooke. She's such a little cutie pants!! It was such a cute class. I'm hoping we can actually get Aubrey to one of these sometime!

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