Saturday, November 12, 2011

Firsts With Isla

Yesterday evening Esther & Isla came to hang out with us since both of our husbands were not around. We got to experience some of Isla's firsts with her.

Isla had her first taste of avocado that night, which she loved. She also had her first experience being fed by her cousins. Which my girls loved!

What good little mommies I have.

I love that Aubrey has the classic wide open mouth to signal to the baby to open hers.

Isla also got her first experience sitting in a highchair and feeding herself, which she also loved. And she got her first drink from a sippy cup - another success.

 My girls got to share with Isla her first time in a big tub too. They were three little cuties in there. Aubrey loved entertaining Isla the whole time!

Aubrey insisted we take pictures of her holding Isla before they left.

Cute cousins!

Thanks Esther and Isla for coming over and entertaining us! We sure had fun being a part of some of Isla's firsts!

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