Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dance Picture Day

Aubrey had her dance pictures taken yesterday. She looked so adorable all dolled up!

Here's the collage I made for her wall.

 Aubrey is such a little poser these days. She was posing away for the pictures.

A little sassy.

Beautiful ballerina!

I loved this little pose she did!

The coy look.


If we had purchased the pics this is what they would have looked like. Minus the film grain. I need to figure out how to change my camera settings for bright studio lights. If you happen to know what to do, please comment and tell me!

The whole cute class. Every single girl was there.

  Then we walked around and took some more pics. Aubrey asked me to take a picture of her like that and I think it turned out pretty cool with the angle of the stairs and the reflection in the glass.

 Brooke wanted some pictures of her too.

 However she wouldn't sit still or look at the camera. But don't you love her shirt?!

 Quite possibly the cutest little dancer ever! (Well at least in my eyes!)

The girls crowded onto this wagon and it looked so cute!

My little beauty!

Spinning with a friend.

 After the pictures were taken they practiced their recital dance a couple of times.

Blowing kisses.

Whenever we leave the studio the girls have to walk across the rock wall, never mind that they are going the opposite direction of where our car is parked!

I LOVE that Aubrey actually likes to get all dolled up and take pictures!

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