Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Still Lovin' Dance

 I love watching my little dancer.

The week of Halloween the teacher had them come dressed in their costumes and they got to play some games.

Look the teacher even dressed up as Tinkerbell. We love her teacher!

Aubrey's favorite part is freeze dance. (And learning her new routines.)

Just lookin' cute.

Aubrey's dance recital is coming up soon and she is very excited to dance on the big stage. She's been having fun practicing at home.

We're really excited because next semester her studio started two new classes. One is a class for 4 & 5 year olds. This will be nice for Aubrey since she has been in dance for a while now and the new 3 year olds hold back the older ones a bit. Hopefully she can progress a bit more now that she'll be in an older class. They also started a 2 & 3 year old class. We are all so excited that Brooke gets to start dance in January! It is going to be absolutely adorable!! Aubrey has been telling her all about dance class and Brooke asks me every week if she gets to start dance yet. The best part of all is they both get to have Aubrey's current teacher, who we love! I'm glad to get to have two cute little dancers in my house soon!

1 comment:

  1. That will be so much fun to see Brooke dance now too, and she is a for sure natural at dancing!
