Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jeff's Birthday

 Jeff's birthday was on Sunday and my little party girls were so excited to throw him a party!

When we were talking about his birthday Aubrey said, "When we were picking out your fairy party, I saw Pirate party things. Let's have a pirate party for Daddy." So off we went to the store to get some pirate things.

Saturday afternoon Aubrey spent hours drawing Pirate pictures to put up for decoration.

These ones (I think) are a Pirate with an eye patch, a forest, and some coins.

While Aubrey hung her pirate pictures, Brooke was on streamer duty. She had a ball covering the counter with streamers!

 Then the both HAD to hang up balloons!

I got into the spirit and quickly made a Pirate cake. Not my finest work, but not bad for eyeballing the skeleton pirate on the plates and sketching it with Wilton tube frosting!

I made some more of the Pumpkin muffins that we all loved for Jeff's birthday breakfast. We had to have them on pirate plates too! (We also had to have a lunch on pirate plates as well!)
Then that evening we had Jeff's favorite dinner, curry chicken, rice and peas. Complete with pirate plates, napkins and cups that the girls picked out.

 After we ate we played games. First we played pin the eye patch on the pirate. Here the girls are spinning Daddy.

Brookie getting a spin.

Now Aubrey's turn.

My turn last.

Since it came with 16 sticker eye patches the girls had fun taking turns and doing them all!

Then we played Bingo.

Present time. Jeff didn't actually get to open his presents, the girls were kind enough to do that for him!

Jeff reading his letter that Aubrey wrote with her own hand.

Here's her cute little letter.

Then it was cake time.

And don't forget ice cream. Aubrey picked out ice cream bars and Daddy was thrilled about that.

I love how my girls make everything so much fun! I hope you had a happy birthday Jeff! We love you!

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