Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Dance Recital

 Monday was Aubrey's Christmas Dance Recital. My little performer was so excited to get to dance on the big stage again!

Here's the video of her dance. (During one part you'll see her trying to do toe touches while everyone else is doing hugs. The toe touches were supposed to go first but I'm guessing the teacher who was queing them from the front mixed it up on accident. It was still very adorable!)

 Aubrey's cheering section!

 Esther, Bryan and Isla were able to come too.

Aubrey was so excited to have baby Isla there!

 Me and my girl!

Here she is excited for the show to begin!

Such cuteness!

Aubrey's teacher Christina even danced in the show. It was really fun seeing her do her thing!

Such a fun night seeing my little girl do her thing!

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