Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Cruise

 Tuesday night we were able to take a Christmas lighted boat ride. The girls were very excited about it!

Here we are all bundled up and on the boat.

It was very beautiful seeing both the lights above and then their reflection in the water. The photo does not do it justice.

Half way through the ride Santa came floating by on a canoe! Here he is giving Brooke Hi Fives!

The girls loved these blow up decorations there.

It was a fun little outing. With us all bundled up we weren't even very cold. Neither of the girls complained of being cold even once. I was a little afraid of the weather, but I'm glad we braved it and went!

1 comment:

  1. I love the first pic of Aubrey all bundled with her lifejacket on top. What a cutie.
