Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Preschool Letter N - Nativity, Names & Numbers

 I was in charge of our co-op Preschool this week. Since it's December I thought it would be fun to do something Christmas themed. I think it's nice starting off the month reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas, so I choose N for Nativity. (And then added in some other activities with their names and numbers.)

First I read them, "My First Story of the First Christmas". I explained that the story of the first Christmas is sometimes called "The Nativity Story."

Then they were very excited when I told them they were going to make their own nativities. (I was too involved to take a picture while they were painting and drawing on the faces, but here are their little pots drying.)

While the pots were drying we played a Number Find game. I found number post-its at Walmart. I had stuck them to the walls and doors. I called out a number in random order and they all had to run and find that number. They very much enjoyed this game!

Then I had a tracing sheet for them with their full names on it.

Then I gave them all play dough and letter shaped cookie cutters and had them cut their names out of play dough. While they played with the play dough I started gluing their nativity pots together.

 Then I had them color some paper nativities.
Here are my girls setting up their paper nativities the next morning.

You can print your own copy of the paper nativity here.

And then I got some sticker nativities from Oriental trading for them to make.

I was able to assemble their nativities while they worked on all the other projects. Here's one little guy adding some hay and putting baby Jesus in his manger.
 Here's my girls with their completed Nativities. They loved that they got to decorate their room with the nativity that they made.

Last I gave them a snack of Grapes and Crackers (foods they ate at the time of Christ) and read them "Mortimer's Christmas Manger" while they ate. They all Loved this story!

What a day! Hopefully they all learned a little about the Letter N and the reason why we celebrate Christmas!

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