Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gingerbread Houses

On Sunday we made Gingerbread Houses. As soon as the Christmas tree was up and our house was decorated a couple of weeks ago, Aubrey kept asking two questions. 1. When are we going on our wagon ride to see the lights? & 2. When are we going to make Gingerbread Houses?
Since we make the houses homemade and it's kind of a big job, it's nice to do it earlier in the month!

Esther, Bryan & Isla came to decorate. Esther also helped make and cut out all of the Gingerbread houses on Friday. It sure made the work much more pleasant!

Summer and Beckham came to join in the fun too! Steve is currently out of the country so he was not able to join us.

 While we were constructing the houses, Aubrey went to town getting all the candy ready!

 Brookie had such a fun time with her house. She would grab some candy and tell me where she wanted it and I would apply the frosting for her. Then she would stick her candy on. What a cute Gingerbread buddy she made!

Esther & Bryan had a little trouble in the construction part. Here Esther is trying to fix the house.

After Daddy finished building Aubrey's house she went right to town with the decorating. She can do it all completely on her own - frosting and all!

4 is such a fun age!

I Love the frosting on her face!

Me and my little Buddy!

Aubrey was nice enough to pause for a photo op with Daddy!

 The Attridge clan with their house.

Bryan applying the finishing touches.

Once Brooke noticed that Aubrey was doing the frosting all by herself, she of course wanted to do the same. I figured "why not?" and handed over the bag. She had a little trouble, but was able to get frosting on the candy one way or the other!

Jeff on Beckham duty!

Here's my little cuties with their darling houses!

The Attridges left before the rest of us finished so they didn't make it into the final photo. (And unfortunately their house did not make it home in one piece either :(.)

Family traditions are so much fun! There is just something magical about Gingerbread houses. All the preschool kids got excited seeing them too. It's fun to have them gracing our table as the centerpiece for the rest of the month too!

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