Monday, December 5, 2011

Saturday Part 2 - Pioneer Christmas Show & Lights on Temple Square

 On Saturday afternoon, we headed up to the Church History Museum to see a Pioneer Christmas show that my friend Michelle and her children were in. It was really neat. We learned all about how the Pioneers celebrated Christmas.

Here they are showing us the children's dance.

They invited all of the children up to sing "Jingle Bells" and dance around the Christmas tree. My girls are in the very back so I couldn't get a picture of them. It was funny that as soon as they announced that all the kids could come on stage Aubrey and Brooke bolted up there as fast as they could. The little hams!

Here they are coming off the stage after the dance.

Here's my friend Michelle, her Mom and her 4 children.

Afterwards they got to visit with Father Christmas (what the pioneers called Santa).

Aubrey happened to have gone to a Pioneer themed birthday party that morning and was excited that she could wear her pioneer bonnet to the pioneer show.

Then we headed up stairs to the children's museum. It's seriously awesome. Tons of hands on stuff to do.

Here the girls are doing a Spanish Dance.

Brooke making me some dinner.

Building their houses.

I thought Aubrey's house was so cute.

Brooke's lean-to was cute as well.

Havin' fun fishing.

 It was really hard to catch a fish. Aubrey worked and worked at it until she finally caught one! 

 Then we headed over to Temple Square to see the lights.

I love hearing the Nativity story while watching the life-size Nativity scene.

I've never noticed the star above the stable at the end. Either it's new or somehow I've missed it. But, either way it was cool.

I love the Christus. It's a shame it was so crowded up there. It would be nice to take the girls sometime when it's less busy.

We also got to watch the short Luke 2 movie in the theater. The whole time Brooke asked, "Where's baby Jesus?" I answered, "He's in his mommies tummy." Brooke then replied, "His mommy Mary?" I was impressed that she remembered Mary's name!

What a fun filled day! The girls certainly enjoyed all of their adventures on Saturday!

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