Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Story Time with Mrs. Clause

A nearby mall was having story time with Mrs. Claus. I took my girls last year and they liked it, so decided to go again this year. According to the website it started at 5:15. Santa leaves for a dinner break at 5, so I decided to go a little early so the girls could say "Hi" to Santa before he left. We got there just in the nick of time to say "Hi" to Santa.

Then we found a bench to wait the 15 min. until Mrs. Claus came. As we were sitting there, I saw a sign that said that story time started at 5:45. So I went and talked to an employee about the conflicting information. He told me that as far as he knew, it started at 5:45 and that he heard the website had some wrong information. So, we headed over to the play area to wait.

Brooke worked and worked and was finally able to climb to the top of this bridge.

Aubrey working hard to get on the log.

At 5:30 we head back to story time. We get there and it has already started. I ask a gentlemen nearby when it had started and he replied, "5:15." I couldn't believe that the sign and the employee had been dead wrong. Aubrey was disappointed that we missed most of it, but at least we got most of one story.

Brooke was excited to get a picture with her twin Mrs. Claus.

I was frustrated with the incorrect information, but was glad that at least the girls got some of their energy out at the play area!

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