Friday, December 16, 2011

Wagon, Lights & Santa's Reindeer

Wednesday night we took our annual wagon ride through Christmas lights display. This was one of the things Aubrey was most looking forward too.

Staying warm by the fire while we wait for our wagon ride.

Brooke checking out the horses and wagon.

Yay we've boarded our wagon!

Brooke was bright eyed and excited the whole time.

Aubrey snuggling with Daddy.

Here are some of the fun displays we saw. 

 This is the one that Aubrey remembered and was most excited about. She had told Brooke all about this huge waving Santa for days.

Then we went to see Santa's reindeer and have a cookie (Aubrey remembers every year that they have cookies in one of their stores and makes sure we remember to get her one!)

The girls tried to entice them over with hay, but to no avail.

On the way out Brooke said, "We had a fun Christmas day." What a cutie. I love having annual traditions that the girls remember and look forward to. It's the spice of life!

While we were waiting for the wagon ride, Brooke was sitting on my lap singing "Jingle Bells", so I had to take some video!

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