Saturday, January 21, 2012

Brooke's First Dance Class

 Last week Brooke had her first ever dance class. She was sooooo excited! The studio Aubrey goes to just started a 2 & 3 year old class, so now she gets to dance too!

She was so excited to get on her dance clothes. She especially loved the ballet slippers!

Giving me a dance pose before we left.

We got to the studio early, so I could get her ready and comfortable before I had to run off to the registration table.

She had fun dancing away in the empty studio. I think she looks like she's doing some Ballroom dance here!

So happy to have her own dance class!

Yay! Class is starting. I was assuming registration was going to be pretty busy like the day before for Aubrey's class and I was sad that I wasn't going to get to watch Brooke's first dance class. Luckily Brooke's class was tiny and the other class going on at the same time is a competing team that doesn't need to register. So it only took a few minutes to get everyone registered and I was able to watch most of her class!

Noticing mommy at the door!

Brooke's class is a more laid back creative dance class. After some warming up they read a fairy tale and get to dress up like a princess. This day they were Sleeping Beauty.

  Look at those darling Princess'! Then they act out the story in dance form. Sort of like doing a ballet of the story.

  Brooke was a little shy to hold hands and curtsy, so Aubrey stepped up to help her out.

Time for some stretches. Here's some butterfly stretches.

I love this picture because it's a very accurate representation of the class. Here's Brooke running to me to give me 5's (she was feeling a little shy and came several times for reassurance). And there's Aubrey in the background taking pictures and video. From now on Aubrey will be in the hall with me, but since there were several other mother's in the class and Aubrey was so excited for her sister, I let her go in and take pictures.

Here's one of the pictures that Aubrey took with her camera.

I only took a couple of short video clips. Every time Brooke would see me she'd run over to give me 5's, so I was trying to keep a low profile. Thus I was only able to take a couple of short clips.

Because I could tell she was feeling kind of shy, I wondered what she thought about the experience. But as soon as it was over she came running to me and exclaimed, "That was so much fun!" Yay success! She usually takes a little bit to warm up to new situations, so I think after a couple more classes, her shyness will wear off. What fun it is to have two cute little dancers!

1 comment:

  1. So much fun! As you know I think she is a natural at dancing so I think she will do great!
