Friday, January 20, 2012

Brookie's Art Class

 A local museum just started a free toddler art class. I was so excited to take my Brookie bug. It just happened to be right during Aubrey's preschool, so it got to be a special class just for Brooke.

Playing blocks as we waited for the other kids to arrive.

 They talked about Hot & Cold. Here's Brooke holding a piece of ice. She held it for a looooong time. She has no problem with hot and cold which is so strange to me since Aubrey is very sensitive to hot, cold or pain in any degree. I'm glad to see that Brooke has more of my pain tolerance!

Here she is looking around the gallery for a painting that looks cold.

Feeling the hot packet.

After the gallery portion we went to the craft room to make some art. They got to make a hot sun by gluing yellow and orange tissue paper on a plate.

They got to experiment with cold by painting with an ice cube. (I think this is something we are going to do on the sidewalk come summer time!)

Here she is with her two art projects!
It was a darling class and Brooke really enjoyed it. I loved getting to focus all of my attention on Brooke. We had so much fun we are already signed up for next months class!

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