Friday, January 6, 2012

Canada Day 4

I must have been all pictured out from the day before, because I don't have many to document day 4. I'm sure the morning was spent playing with cousins and new toys.

After naps we went to Grandma's house where she had some sugar cookies for the girls to decorate for the family party that would be the next day.

The girls were very excited to decorate more cookies!

 And to sample the icing and sprinkles.

Their first tray of cookies.

The girls did lots more dances for Grandma & Grandpa. They sure loved that Grandma asked them to dance for her everyday! (This video was from the first day.)

Grandpa even got up to dance with the girls! (A family friend of G & G came by and gave these girls the cute tutu's and lots of other fun Christmas goodies. So sweet since she had never even met the girls!)

The girls asked Grandma to dance too but she said she'd only do it after the video camera got put away. I put it away and discreetly got out my still shot camera (hee hee). Unfortunately she saw the camera before I took the pic. But I love the picture anyway!

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