Thursday, January 5, 2012

Canada Day 3 - CHRISTMAS!

Christmas morning finally came! The girls were so excited. But they were patient enough to wait for Grandma to come over before they went upstairs to see what Santa had left for them.

Grandma's here so up they come!

Aubrey running in to see her presents!

Brooke ran straight for her Treehouse (the only thing she asked for) and played with it for a while before she'd look at anything else.

Stocking time!

Brooke was so excited that Santa gave her nail polish too.

She also had to try on each and every chapstick, lipgloss & lipstick in her stocking - and there was lots since she loves them so much!

Laura helping them with their Kinder egg. (A chocolate egg with a toy inside - I wish they had them in the US!)

Santa left two presents with magic tags. They had to color over the tag with marker to reveal who the present was for.

Brookie got these sewing animals.

Aubrey got these wooden magnetic dolls to dress up.

Then it was time for a yummy breakfast courtesy of the Tanner's.

Brookie loved the bacon!

Aubrey wanted to give her block park a try before we began the present opening.

Present time.

Aubrey was soooo excited to get a Leapster from G & G Bagley!

She got some games for it from cousin Beckham and Mom & Dad.

Brookie got some more Fairy princess dress up clothes from us. That's all she wants to wear these days and she has destroyed her other fairy clothes! After opening this present, she insisted that we take her pjs off and get dressed up as a Fairy princess and she remained that way the rest of the day and many other days on our stay!

Daddy got some presents too!

Brooke was excited to get a story reader from G&G Bagley.

G&G Buell gave them lots of fun things. Here Brooke and Grandma are putting together a puzzle Grandma gave her.

Meanwhile, Aubrey only wanted to play with her Leapster!

 Aubrey finally relinquished control of the Leapster and let Brooke have a turn.

 Aubrey's turn to make a puzzle with Grammy!

My darling little Brookie Fairy!

 I remembered that the girls and I had gotten Jeff a few more presents that he hadn't opened. So I went digging under the tree to find them!

Yay - Grampy's home from church!

So many loves for Grampy!

Helping Grandpa with his presents.

Aubrey proceeded to tell Grandpa about each and every picture on the calendar that we made for him.

The Tanner clan finally get to open their presents after they got home from church!

More presents for the girls from the Tanner's!

All the presents are opened so we just play the rest of the day! Laura and Aubrey built the park!

Brookie pausing from her block building for a photo op!

After a long day of play it's time for bed - but first storytime with Grandma!

It was a very fun day! We are so glad that we got to spend Christmas surrounded by family!

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of the hidden nametag! Creative thinking!
