Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Canada Day 2 - Christmas Eve

 The girls were looking forward to going to Grandpa's farm. So we took them on Saturday morning. Grandma packed a picnic lunch for us to eat there. 
Here we are eating in Grandpa's shack. While we were there we were telling the girls that it used to be someone's house before Grandpa moved it to the farm. Aubrey asked, "How come the people who used to live here never cleaned their house?" Too funny! We had to explain that it was actually Grandpa who never cleaned it!

Playing with Grandpa's tools.

Trying on Grandpa's hat.

There was only a tiny bit of snow left. It's been a really warm winter there. But, the girls had fun stomping in the bit of snow that was left.

Checking out Grandpa's cows.

Then we went home for naps.
After naps was a yummy Christmas Eve dinner that Grandma, Tammy and her girls prepared for us.

After dinner the girls graciously performed many songs and dances for whoever would watch them!

When we were in Grandpa's shack Aubrey saw a baby picture of her hanging on the wall. She whispered to me, "We need to take a Christmas picture of me and Grandpa for him to put up in his shack."

 Hugs for grammy!

Tammy liked my Christmas Eve tradition of wrapping up the pieces to a nativity and opening them up in order of the story and using them to tell the nativity story. So, I brought the wrapped nativity. It was fun to have all the cousins and Grandma & Aunt Tammy tell the story.

Here they are putting together the last pieces of the nativity while hearing about the Wise men.

More Grammy hugs for Brooke.

Then we exchanged some of the family gifts. Aubrey was very willing to help anyone who let her open their presents. Luckily everyone was nice enough to let her help!

These two monkeys were so excited!

They had an absolute ball playing with their big cousins. The cousins were so nice to give them lots of attention!

Then the girls got to open up their presents from each other. First Aubrey got Brooke this Leapfrog caterpillar that teaches the ABC's. When we were at Toys R Us, this is all Brooke wanted to play with.

One afternoon I had the girls individually come into my room and wrap their gifts to each other. Brooke had two presents for Aubrey, but Aubrey only had one for her. When Aubrey saw that Brooke got her two presents instead of being excited she was concerned because Brooke only had one. I told her we would go shopping again and she could get another small toy for Brooke. What a sweet sister she is. She picked out a mother and baby Zooble, that Brooke absolutely loved! When she opened it she said, "This is what I wanted!"

Aubrey's turn to open her presents from Brooke.

Brooke got her a Strawberry Shortcake pool that she'd been really wanting and some extra dolls for the pool.

Brookie lovin' her Zooble.

Brooke and Aubrey having a ball with the pool.

Then it was time to put out some milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for his reindeer.

Getting it all set out for Santa.

These two girls were so excited for Santa to come!! We kept hearing Aubrey say to Brooke, "Go to sleep Brooke or Santa won't come."

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