Monday, January 2, 2012

Our First Day in Canada

 On Wed, Dec. 21st, we embarked on our 22 hour long journey to Canada for Christmas. The girls did fantastic in the car all day. We traveled 16 hours the first day and didn't stop until 1:30 am for some sleep. Brooke only had a little crying at about midnight when she was probably sick and tired of trying to sleep in her car seat. Other then that they were little angels. The next day Brooke was less than enthusiastic to get back in the car for several more hours of driving. She was a little more whiny, but did pretty good. Aubrey was a perfect little angel for the whole 22 hours!

I failed to get out my camera the first evening when we arrived. First we stopped in at Jeff's parents and visited with them and had dinner there. Then we went to Tammy & Don's to see the Tanner's and unpack and get settled.

The next morning after breakfast cousins Stephanie & Michelle got out cookies to decorate. The girls were thrilled to decorate with them!

Then we headed over to Grandma's house. She knows how much my girls love to do crafts, so she had bought them tons of craft supplies to do there.

After some painting, Grandma showed them her Christmas music box. The girls loved dancing to the music box! They did several dances everyday for Grandma!

Here's some of their moves!

Grandma hugs after the concert!

Then back to more crafts!

We went back to the Tanner's for Brooke's nap and the girls found a surprise present left by the misfit toys. (It's a tradition of the Tanner's that the misfit toys from the movie "Rudolph and the Island of the misfit Toys" to leave a surprise used toy for them a couple days before Christmas.)

The girls enjoyed their stories and Ponies.

After naps we headed back to Grandma & Grandpa's for dinner.

Playing a crow's nest game that Jeff used to play with his Dad and that the girls now play with Jeff.

It was a fun first day. The girls were super excited with all of the attention they got from all of the family!

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