Monday, January 2, 2012

Week 28, 29 & 30

The holidays got me behind on my blogging.

Week 28: I did not loose any weight.

Week 29:  I was in Canada and did not weigh myself.

Week 30: So since I did not weigh myself last week, in the last 2 weeks I lost 1 pound. I know that's not much for a two week time period, however I still feel pretty good about it. Not only was it Christmas and New Years, but also I had 42 hours of road tripping during that time period, and I was not at my own house for a week and a half of it. So the fact that I mostly maintained and had a little bit of weight loss on top of it makes me feel really good. Now I know that even in more challenging situations (being on the road, not being in my own kitchen, being surrounded by lots of yummy treats) I can keep on course and not gain weight! So I find my 1 pound weight loss in the last two weeks a small triumph!

This means I successfully accomplished my goal of not gaining any weight over Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years!!

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