Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Christmas Cards

My girls absolutely LOVED getting Christmas Cards this year. Every day they would look at the pantry and find the new cards. They would ask, "What do the words say?" If there were pictures they would ask the names of all of the people photographed. Aubrey got to the point that she would ask to open up all of the mail so she could see the cards first. Too cute. They especially liked the card from Grandma & Grandpa Bagley cause it was right at their eye level and it had pictures. Every time they saw it they'd say, "I see Grandma and Grandpa!" Of all of the things about Christmas that I thought would be exciting for my girls, I never thought that the cards would be one of them! I loved that my girls got as much joy from the cards as I do. So make sure to send a Christmas Card our way next year because they truly are appreciated!

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