Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The story of Purple Baby

 Last year for Christmas the only thing Brooke asked for was a "Purple Baby". So Santa brought her a Purple baby. She loved her baby.

 When I told the girls to each pick a toy to snuggle with in the car on the ride to Canada, Brooke of course picked Purple baby.

Well we get to Canada and that night as we are putting the girls to bed, Brooke asks for Purple Baby to sleep with. We could not find her in the van anywhere. We figured we'd find her in the morning when there was more light. But, Purple Baby was no where to be seen. We finally came to the conclusion that she must have fallen out of the van on one of the stops on the way up. Brooke was sad that we couldn't find Purple Baby. I told Jeff that I would like to stop at all of the same stops on our way back and see if she was safe at one of the gas stations. Jeff didn't say anything, but looked at me like I had gone completely crazy. I realized that would not be the best solution and would only make our trip back home longer.

A couple days later I still was feeling really upset about the fact that we had lost Brooke's purple baby. So, I figured the best thing to do would be to pray about it. I realize that is just sickeningly sentimental, but when you are upset, the best thing to do is pray, right?! 

After I prayed I felt very certain that the doll had fallen out at the motel we stayed at on the way up. When we had gotten to the Motel the parking lot was full and we had to park on the street. I didn't like the neighborhood much, so when Jeff went back out to get our luggage I asked him to move the van to the parking lot if he could find a spot. After all, we had all of our Christmas gifts in the car and I would not want our van getting broken into. I thought that the closer it was to the motel, the safer it would be. Jeff found a spot and moved the van. Otherwise we would have found purple baby in the morning when we got back in the van to leave :(

So on our way home from Canada we stopped at the Motel to see what we could find. I had hoped that some nice person had seen the baby and had turned her in at the front desk. But, that did not happen. We found the baby on the street exactly where she had fallen out. She was filthy and had been run over who knows how many times.

(When we found her, her face was wide open and Jeff and snapped it back shut before we showed her to Brooke.)

When Brooke saw her she started to cry. So I told her we would go shopping when we went home to look for another Purple baby. We didn't have the heart to throw her back on the street and Jeff wanted to take a closer look at her to see if she could be repaired. When we got home Jeff saw that her clothes didn't come off and that it would be really hard to fix her. So it was decided to throw her out and get Brooke a new one.

Brooke reminded me many times that we were going to look for a new baby. So, I took her shopping. They did not have the same Purple babies that I hoped we would find. I had noticed that recently I had not seen that style of baby much.
We checked out the clearance section and found the same brand of baby on clearance. These ones drank from the bottle too, but instead of just cooing they actually wet their diaper and told their Mommy that they need a diaper change. They were absolutely adorable. Brooke decided that that was the baby she wanted.

She had to change her new baby on the changing table.

 When you open the diaper there is a yellow or brown light that shines on the diaper to look dirty or wet and then when you wipe her with the wet wipe the light turns off. It really is a cute baby.

 In the meantime Jeff had taken Purple baby and put her in the trash. He looked over and saw her on top, and just couldn't leave her there. So, he began the process of taking her a part and putting her back together. He worked on it for a few days and didn't even let me see how Purple baby was turning out. After he got her put back together he took her to show Brooke. Brooke's eyes just lit up and she started jumping up and down and clapping. There is a scar across babies face where she was cracked. Brooke calls it a hurty and will rub it and kiss it better. It's so sweet. She's back to liking Purple baby the best and not really playing with the new one. (Good thing I got it for a fantastic deal!)

Didn't Jeff do such a great job?!

What a sweet Daddy to care so much about Brooke's baby to spend all of that time to put her back together.He was very pleased with her reaction when he gave it back to her. I'm glad she can have Purple baby back. I hope she can stick around for a long time and that she can show her little girls the scar and tell them about the nice thing her Daddy did for her.

1 comment:

  1. It really is the sweetest thing, ever! What a great Daddy!
