Monday, January 23, 2012

Family Mission Statement

A friend of mine requested that I blog about our Family Mission Statement.

When Jeff and I were first married our Stake President was John Covey (Stephen R Covey's brother). We had a special Stake Activity with presentations on different areas of the family. We went to the class taught by our Stake President on Family Mission Statements. It was interesting to hear about how they had applied Stephen R. Covey's principles on creating a Mission Statement for your business to the family. I went into the class a little wary and thinking it was kind of cheesy. But I left understanding that it really was important for us to think about what we wanted most for our family and have some ideals to shoot for. 

The next Family Home Evening we wrote our Mission Statement. We decided to center ours around our home. We brainstormed what an ideal home looked like to us. Then we took the most important attributes to each of us and wrote it up as our Mission Statement. Then of course being the LDS woman that I am, I had to crochet it for our wall!

The Buell Family Mission Statement

The Buell home is a place of peace and safety.
A place to enjoy love and laughter.
A place full of respect, understanding, support and friendship.
A place to resort to as often as possible.
A place where the Lord will make known many wonderful things.

We certainly have much work to do to live up to our ideal. But it is nice to have an ideal to reach for!