Tuesday, January 24, 2012


 Aubrey has been going through a scared at night phase again. We are starting to get out of it, but she's still sneaking into our bed several nights a week. One night I thought I'd see if she would stay put if she slept in Brooke's room. They did pretty good going to bed, but Aubrey ended up in our room in the middle of the night anyway. But they sure looked cute having their little slumber party.

Brooke looked so cute one Sunday dressed up for church so I tried to take a picture of her. She was not being the least bit cooperative. This is her favorite dance pose.

 Mom I just gotta dance!

 We went to another family art class. The girls got to make cat's out of lots of different materials. Here are their cute kitty cats.

More dance pictures of my cute dancing Brookie. She's starting to learn her dance and she loves it.

First they lay down and pretend they are sleeping.

 Then they wake up and dance. She loves doing her little dance.

 This day they were dressed up like "Little Red Riding Hood."

 We had Esther and Isla over last week and Isla looked so cute in the hat I made for her back before she was born. I love the expression she's giving me in this picture!

The girls were dressed up like Fairy's when she came over, so they had to get a tutu for Isla.

She looked so cute when she crawled because all we saw was a great big poof of tulle. 

Here's some of my favorite quotes from my girls over the last week or so.
These were some Brooke quotes from Sunday: While eating breakfast Brooke blurted out "When we die we're going to live in Heaven with Heavenly Father and Jesus and not in our house anymore." 
Upon hearing the names of Laman & Lemuel in a sacrament talk she said, "Hey she's talking about Nephi's brothers!" 
When asked if she had fun in Nursery today she responded, "Yeah, we colored pictures and learned about the Holy Ghost." I'm glad she's paying attention in church!
Brooke was admiring her hand as I put her to bed about a week ago, then she looked up at me and said, "Heavenly Father made my body so good - like magic."
Aubrey found Jeff reading his scriptures a couple of weeks ago. She jumped on the bed and he read out loud to her. After they were done, Aubrey ran to me all excited and said. "Mommy I got tingles when Daddy read his scriptures to me. I think the Holy Ghost was talking to me."
Last Sunday, while watching a show on BYUtv that was showing depictions of Christ through the ages, Aubrey turned to me and said, "Mommy I believe in Jesus Christ."

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